Thursday, July 29, 2010


Shu Xuan: I have learnt alot on the music of China. It is unique and catchy. The chinese instruments all sound cool and lovely. The chinese instruments and the history of China are all very interesting and worth researching on. I feel that China has a long and ardous history. Not only that, the instruments originated from China all have an interesting history too. The stories related to it are all interesting and enriching. From these past few weeks, my knowledge on China and its music all grew and increased

Mavis: Through this assignment and blog, i got introduced to many many different instruments from China. They were facsinating and so interesting. I got to know so much more about different traditional chinese instruments and about their history. Just like the western instruments that are being introduced into our lives everyday, these Chinese instruments are quite similar to each other and i really adore these chinese instruments and admire their history.

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